Welcome to Central Baptist Church.
It is my privilege to serve as Pastor of Central Baptist Church of Ocala, Florida.
My heartfelt prayer is for people to know the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. We also want you to become actively involved in a Bible-believing, Bible-preaching, Fundamental church that cares for you.
We make no apology for the Word of God. We preach the old King James Version of the Bible. We preach sound doctrine from that Word and devotion to the Lord Jesus Christ. (Romans 1:16) Our motto is a Biblical one. Our motto is: Preaching the truth in love. The truth will never be watered down. Sin will be called sin. Right will be called right. But the truth will always be preached in love.
Our church services feature singing the great hymns of the faith. You will find that our services are Holy, not Hollywood, righteous, not rowdy, always seeking to reconcile men to God in the matter of their soul salvation, and Christians to a higher and holier love. We desire to build the family through the Word of God. Hence we stick with the King James Version, we use traditional Scriptural music and seek to be holy and acceptable unto GOD.
Check out the various pages on our website. If you are not certain that if you died today that heaven is your home, then email us. We will get back to you quickly and share with you GOD’S simple plan of salvation.
In Christ
Dr. Lonnie Moore